Top 10 Best Cigar Lounges in Dubai


Dubai, a city that never sleeps, is renowned for its luxury and extravagance. Amidst the glittering skyline and high-end lifestyle, the emirate hosts an array of exclusive cigar lounges. Look no further if you're a connoisseur of the finer things in life, especially when it comes to whisky, cigars, and an exquisite ambience.

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From exclusive views atop skyscrapers to the nostalgic charm of bygone eras, each venue unveils a unique narrative, meticulously woven with plush interiors, exquisite cigar selections, and unparalleled service. Here's a curated list of the crème de la crème – the best cigar lounges in Dubai that are set to redefine your expectations.

1. Above 21, Palm Jumeirah

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Situated on the illustrious Palm Jumeirah, this upscale cigar lounge stands out as one of the best cigar lounges in Dubai. With a contemporary twist on the Gatsby scene, Above 21 captivates patrons with its sophisticated ambience. The exclusive lounge boasts a walk-in humidor, presenting a diverse array of cigars perfectly paired with an extensive selection of whiskies.

Distinguished by its membership program, Above 21 enhances the experience for cigar and whisky enthusiasts. Membership not only unlocks exclusive access to private tastings but also extends discounts across all FIVE Palm Jumeirah restaurants. A noteworthy perk is the fully redeemable nature of the membership payment, adding an extra layer of value for patrons seeking a luxurious and immersive journey into the world of cigars and whiskies.


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2. Churchill Club, Four Seasons Hotel, DIFC

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In the heart of Dubai's financial district, the Churchill Club is a distinguished cigar lounge catering to those with a penchant for the classic and refined. Boasting a collection of some of the world's finest cigars, this venue exudes an old-world charm. Patrons can savour their chosen cigars while relishing in an ambience reminiscent of Winston Churchill's era. Undoubtedly, The Churchill Club secures its spot among the best cigar lounges in Dubai.

This refined establishment goes beyond cigars, offering an international tasting menu that includes delicacies like sushi and beluga caviar, elevating the experience for patrons seeking a blend of sophistication and culinary delight in the world of cigars.


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3. Diademas, The H Hotel

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Named after the distinguished cigar with a headband reminiscent of a crown, this lounge embodies regality in every aspect. Mirroring its namesake, the lounge stands as among the Best Cigar Lounges in Dubai. Offering an expansive selection of drinks and cigars, it sets the stage for a luxurious experience.

The membership program further enriches the journey, providing special discounts, cigar box maintenance services, and the added perk of complimentary meeting room rentals, making it a destination where indulgence meets convenience for aficionados.


4. Library Lounge, Ritz Carlton JBR

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Emanating the essence of late-night lounging, this Jazz Lounge in Ritz Carlton stands out as an ideal destination for a captivating evening excursion. Inspired by traditional drawing rooms, the venue envelops patrons in an atmosphere of refined comfort, adorned with plush leather seating and cosy corners designed for intimate discussions.

The lounge further elevates the experience with a selection of finely crafted cigars and the pinnacle of premium drinks, creating a haven where the artistry of jazz harmonizes with the indulgence of exceptional cigars and beverages.


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5. La Casa Del Habano, City Walk

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La Casa Del Habano, an exclusive franchise of Habanos spreads its magnetic vibes all over the UAE, offering sanctuaries for cigar aficionados. Among these, the City Walk location stands out as the crown jewel, earning its reputation as one of the best cigar lounges in Dubai. Renowned for its extensive collection of Cuban cigars and the curated Habanos Terrazas selection, it is a sanctuary for enthusiasts seeking the epitome of cigar excellence.

The membership program adds an extra layer of exclusivity, granting patrons access to private cigar lockers, and solidifying La Casa Del Habano as a distinguished destination for cigar connoisseurs.


6. Salotto by Chic Nonna, DIFC

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Perched atop the captivating venue of Chic Nonna within Gate Avenue, DIFC, Salotto by Chic Nonna beckons patrons with its 70s-inspired charm. Ascending the staircase reveals the charm of this lounge, embellished with the finest Italian leather couches and a sophisticated DJ booth setting the stage with subdued beats.

Connected seamlessly to the lounge is a specialized cigar room, offering a perfect retreat for enthusiasts seeking to savour a cheeky Cubano. It's a unique fusion of style, music, and premium cigars in the heart of DIFC, making it a noteworthy addition to the best cigar lounges in Dubai.


7. Smoke and Mirrors, SLS Hotel, Business Bay

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Infusing the city with old-fashioned glamour, Smoke and Mirrors at SLS Hotel in Business Bay offers a clandestine retreat. It unveils a secret getaway promising South American flavours paired with the finest cigars in a dedicated smokeasy.

Tucked within Carna by Dario Cecchini, Smoke and Mirrors caters to those who crave the smokier side of life. It's a fusion of sophistication and indulgence, making it a standout destination among the best cigar lounges in Dubai for cigar aficionados.


8. Cigar Lounge, Address Downtown

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The Cigar Lounge at Address Downtown is a distinguished choice among the best cigar lounges in Dubai. It positions itself as a classy lounge for cigar connoisseurs seeking a leisurely escape. Perched on the 13th floor, it provides breathtaking views of the Burj Khalifa while serving up classic mixed drinks.

Boasting the world's best cigar brands, the well-appointed humidor features sought-after limited editions from renowned cigar houses in Cuba and South America. The ambience effortlessly blends retro glamour with chic contemporary style, creating a distinctive atmosphere for patrons to indulge in the finest cigars amidst iconic views.


9. Cigar Room, Fairmont The Palm

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Boasting a remarkable collection of handpicked Cuban and Dominican cigars by an award-winning sommelier the Cigar Room at Fairmont The Palm solidifies its status as one of the best cigar lounges in Dubai. Settle into comfortable leather sofas or enjoy the outdoor terrace with stunning Marina skyline views while sipping on classic and signature cocktails.

Adding to the experience, bespoke tailors Knights & Lords provide tips on quintessential gentlemen's style. The Cigar Room has further elevated its offerings by partnering with the legendary cognac brand LOUIS XIII, providing esteemed patrons with a truly one-of-a-kind and exclusive experience.


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10. Cigar Lounge, Waldorf Astoria DIFC

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Nestled within Waldorf Astoria DIFC, the Cigar Lounge is a nostalgic journey to the 1960s "Mad Men" era, reminiscent of the vibrant energy of New York City. The elegant interior designs transport guests to a time when the city was alive with ambitious movers and shakers. Offering amazing views of the cityscape, the lounge stands out for its good selection of cigars and impeccable service, creating an atmosphere where patrons can relish the sophistication of the past while enjoying modern luxury. It's a distinctive addition to the best cigar lounges in Dubai, blending classic charm with contemporary excellence.

Dubai's cigar lounges stand not just as places to indulge in the finest cigars, but as destinations where time slows down, and the art of savouring life's pleasures is truly celebrated. From the exclusive La Casa Del Habano to the nostalgic charm of Waldorf Astoria's Cigar Lounge, each venue promises a unique blend of luxury and ambience. Whether you're drawn to stunning skyline views, curated cigar collections, or classic elegance, Dubai's cigar lounges provide a haven for aficionados to indulge in the art of cigar appreciation.

As you embark on your own journey through these havens, may each draw of the cigar be a toast to the unmatched elegance and sophistication that the best cigar lounges in Dubai have to offer.

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